Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy July!

Hello beautiful ladies,

Well I have returned from the left coast where the weather was spectacular. I am happy to report that I exercised almost everyday I was there. The morning temperatures were in the lovely 60's and I power walked (or is it transformer walked?) a route along both the Pacific and the Coronado Bay. The last morning I strayed from the paved route to this sandy path among the dunes and found myself surrounded by gigantic hares--the size of small dogs with cartoon-like ears! When I realized their ears poked out above the brush I saw that there were dozens and dozens of them all around me. I admit that I may have done a bit of running that morning! They were spooky!

My daughter has now left for camp until August 3 and I am intent upon breaking out of my usual routines, so I have my own little 31 day+ challenge to do some new and healthy things. I hope to spend some additional time taking care of me without the worry of compromising family time!! I am hoping to take advantage of the gym at work before heading home and do some evening walks on the beach with the hubby among other things. Wish me luck!!

I am looking forward to seeing you all next week! I am assuming that since Monday is a holiday our fist meeting will be Wednesday.

Be your best you!!



Nicole said...

Id say you'd get a gold star! Nicely done milady. Yes, the studio is closed on Monday, so we shall reconvene on that Wednesday.

One of my friends is really into the sun, the moon, astrology stuff (Im not a believer nor a non believer)and she posted this on her facebook, and it seems that after reading your post it might be true (hopefully for all of us as well). "today's solar eclipse in sensitive Cancer brings with it two polarizing forces: the need to break destructive patterns from your past, and the fear of change. By confronting your anxieties, you'll create new patterns, opening yourself up to interesting experiences, good habits and better relationships."

Im looking forward to having some days to sleep in (luckily my gym is open tomorrow and sunday and I hope to go sufing with Jenny on Monday) but I'll miss you guys:)...Can't wait for Wednesday! Everyone, keep up the super duper work you're doing!!!!

Shelley said...

Giant hares?! I am going to have nightmares now!!
Thanks for the inspiring posts.
Have a great weekend everyone!