Thursday, June 23, 2011


Fact about Nicole: Im a yoga fan. There was a time when I would do hot yoga 3-4 times a week and every so often I would get discouraged because I wasn't making as much progress as I wanted, wasn't as flexible as the old lady next to me, wasn't as strong as the youngin in front of me, and then one day my instructor said, 'Wherever you are in your practice today, is right where you're suppose to be'. She also went on to say to not pay attention to your neighbor, look inside and be present.

Here are two sentences I got from a yoga studio that I thought we could all put to use; with our walking, pilates, anything.
-"The only thing you need to do today is be you, however you walked in the door today, and that is perfect. Whatever you have in your practice today is perfect.”

-"Yoga is about being okay with where we are, right now, whether we've done it once or a thousand times. It's not about judging our performance. It is about learning how to be present in the moment."

I don't think you have to be a yogi to relate to these. I hope they resonate with you as they did with me. I feel like Im constantly coming back to this idea of being happy or content with my actions and not comparing myself to other people (its hard tho). I think that as long as we are doing the best we can, no one can ask for anything more.

Today as I was on my way to In Balance I thought of this video I watched a while ago, and thought that you all would appreciate and might be motivated by it (as I was). Plus, don't you think the father in the video looks like my Irish client Brian?

Read this first then watch the video:
A son asked his father, "Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?" The father who despite having a heart condition, said, "Yes". They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and s...on went on to join other marathons, the father always saying, "Yes" to his son's request of going through the race together. One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let us join the Ironman together; to which his father said, "Yes", too. For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race consists of three endurance events of a 2.4 miles (3.86 kilometers) ocean swim followed by a 112 miles (180.2 kilometers) bike ride and ending with a 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) marathon along the coast of the Big Island. Father and son went on to complete the race together.

(you'll have to copy and paste that link, I don't know how to add this video straight to the blog, sorry )


Shelley said...

I love this, Nicole! I appreciate all the positive energy you infuse into "BYBYE!"
I like what you say about losing the judgment. When we are able to accept ourselves without judgment we align ourselves with beauty, delight, and love. (I am paraphrasing geneen roth, Jon kabat zinn, and others, but I know it is true!)
I am so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing women in this group.

In Balance said...

i am weeping with joy. who knew BYBYE was going to be so powerful. y'all rock!!!!

nicole; i appreciate this post soooo much.


Nicole said...

I was so confused at first with the 'BYBYE' thing, but I think its cool how it is saying 'bye'. Bye to fat, bye to negative energy, bye to harmful self thoughts, bye to anything! rikey!

Sia said...

Nicole….. thank you for sharing this video!!! I am weeping uncontrollably!
Muchas gracious for the awesome workout this morning! Great way to start a hell of a Friday! Have a great weekend!

PS: If you get 12 calories for making your bed; I just got 75 for cleaning the bunny cage!

Laura said...

Nicole thank you for a fabulous post and for sharing that inspiring video. We really CAN do anything by just starting where we are!!