Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Posts!

Hopefully you all got the email that you can now post on the blog.  All you have to do is set up your account and post away!  My time with all of you is so special and I am so grateful for it.  Send happy thoughts my way.  I'm having to put on my big girl britches and deal with some bothersome issues today.  Yucky!!!!  Your positive energy will go a long way!  Thanks ladies!

Sia- I hope shoe shopping goes well.  I can't wait to see your new sneakers!




Sia said...

Alright Carrie….“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

In Balance said...

Thaaaank you sister!!!! Love this! Going home to listen to the CD Shelley gave me today, too!

Ya'll rock!



Laura said...

Great workout this am! Love you ladies. Still sitting with my ambivilance........oh well.

Nicole said...

I think one of my favorite things to do now-a-days is to look at my tap and track and check out all thing things I could be adding as exercise. Climbing hills, cooking, dusting, furniture (what does that even mean?), grocery shopping, ironing, and my personal favorite: making the bed. I clicked the 'making the bed' button to see how many calories Im missing out on by not making my bed everyday...and turns out if it takes me 5 minutes to make my bed at a normal intensity I could be loosing 12 calories! If I make the bed with HIGH intensity for 5 minutes, I'll loose 17 calories. I also enjoy the fact that it gives me the option to make my bed for up to 23 hours (fyi, if you make a bed for 23 hours at a high intensity level, you could loose 4607 calories!)

In Balance said...

Nicole, this is toooo much! Toooo much!

Shelley said...

Can you hear me howling, Nicole?! I want to make my bed now!

And Laura, I am sorry about the stupid advice to sit with your ambivalence!!! I think you should check out every food log possible while you are sitting in airports instead! Especially now that we see how motivating it has been for Nicole!

Carrie, have you told Deepok to suck it yet?

Sia, love the new shoes!

I am so glad I checked the blog! I love our sorority!

In Balance said...

OK Laura! Our official therapist has spoken! We already miss you. I walked this morning. For only 15 min but I did something! I'm going to make my bed, duh 15 calories, and then I'm off to the beach for a day to see an old friend. Nicole; will you research wrestling a naughty 3 year old for 8 hours in sand? Thanks!